Mel's Life: #Sydney
Three or four years ago, I would have never imagined I'd step foot in Sydney let alone Australia but that is where I found myself in February. I was already familiar with Sydney's airport after spending an eight hour layover there. With two of those hours spent trying to access an elusive Nando's that turned out to be located outside of the gates. Any who...I had one mission and one mission only the minute we stepped foot outside the airport and that was the BONDI BEACH! We dropped our bags off at the hotel and suited up immediately. Bondi is super gorgeous but the water was a tad bit too cold and rough for my liking. However, I didn't mind the coolness of the water after soaking up the sun. Australian heat is no joke lol. After the beach we went to a cute roof top restaurant near the beach and later grabbed gelato while taking in the sunset. Not a bad why to end your first day in Aussieland.
The next day we decided to purchase an iventure card to see the cities main attractions. We decided on the flexi 5 pass, which gave us access to 5 different attractions. We made it to the Sydney Opera House, the Sydney Aquarium, Zoo, the Sydney Museum, and the Queen Victoria Building. Where do I even begin?! The Opera house is absolutely stunning. This was my wow...I'm really in Australia moment lol. I wish we could have seen a show but the next concert wasn't for hours and we were sun beaten.
Our hotel was located across the street from the Queen Victoria building...Jesus was a fence around my wallet and I managed not risk it all shopping at this gorgeous mall. After all I needed to drop money where it counted on Food! We stayed at Sydney Hilton and the later the Marriott. I would recommend staying at either hotel. The Hilton had an interesting speakeasy with a great craft cocktail list. Speaking of cocktail bars, we absolutely loved Eau De Vie, a 20's style cocktail bar. It reminded me of DC, I guess that's part of the reason I enjoyed it so much.
Overall, I enjoyed my time in Sydney and I would totally make another trip. Although, the next time I head down under I definitely want to check out Melbourne, Brisbane, and Tasmania.